Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Package 4- "Tasers"

More and more police departments around the country are using tasers to stop suspects instead of drawing guns... including police in Iowa City. But how safe are they? After being "tasered," some victims have died. Now, the company that makes the taser has issued new guidelines they claim will make the device safer to use. As Andrew Altenbern reports, the new rules are changing police training in Iowa City.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Prairie Lights Success

The Prairie Lights Java House recently implemented a wine bar upstairs in the book store. This a very unique and one of a kind shop in Iowa City, but is it really bringing in any business? Andrew Altenbern reports...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The H1N1 virus has UI students and staff taking precautions to stay healthy. Hand sanitizers are a popular method of fighting those germs, but as Andrew Altenbern reports, not everyone is taking advantage of new hand sanitizer stations on campus.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

600 WMT Broadcast

This is a standard broadcast I would give every weekend morning at my previous job, AM 600 WMT in Cedar Rapids.

Eating VO

This is a Vo, or Voice Over. My partner, Bill Delehent, and I put this together for our broadcast class. The video by itself doesn't make much sense until someone reads a script over the video. This video is concerned with eating, and food on game day in Iowa City.
Our VO, has now become a SOTVO. (Sound on Video with a Voice Over.) We interviewed the manager of Gumby's Pizza. We got his take on game day sales.